Mobile Diagnostic Testing
Providing access to the latest in state-of-the-art technology for X-ray, EKG and Ultrasounds, preformed in the comfort of home.
- Our Mobile X-Ray Services are provided in the comfort of your own home.
- Our Superior X-Ray exams are interpreted by board-certified radiologists. Preliminary reports are telephoned to the facility the same day and final reports are forwarded within hours. Quality assurance programs are tailored to each facility’s needs.
- Personnel – In every geographic area of the country, MobilexUSA employs board-certified X-ray technologists who are licensed and certified. This helps guarantee our quality of service and quick turnarounds.
- Each test is $199
To use this benefit: Call to schedule test 1-855-700-WELL (9355).
(All states, with the exception of: IN, MT, ND, NY, MN, SD, UT, OK, AR, LA and rural areas in other states. Exclusion: No contrast)
- General Ultrasound, Echocardiography, Vascular, Arterial and Venous Doppler services are available on a scheduled basis. Preliminary reports are left with the nurse upon completion of the exam with hard copy to follow.
- Each test is $199
To use this benefit: Call to schedule test 1-855-700-WELL (9355).
(All states, with the exception of: IN, MT, ND, NY, MN, SD, UT, OK, AR, LA and rural areas in other states. Exclusion: Breast area and Pelvic area)
Electrocardiogram (EKG)
- Standard 12 lead electrocardiograms can be performed upon request and a tracing can be provided for review by attending physician. This provides the physician with an over read element. When requested, we will also obtain an interpretation from a board-certified cardiologist or internist.
- Each test is $199
To use this benefit: Call to schedule test 1-855-700-WELL (9355).
(All states, with the exception of: IN, MT, ND, NY, MN, SD, UT, OK, AR, LA and rural areas in other states)